Psychedelic Nuance and MBTI: Psilocin, Metocin and Miprocin

Xavier Stachowiak
14 min readOct 19, 2023

(4-HO-DMT, 4-HO-MET and 4-HO-MiPT)

We will also look at the persistent “Magic” of these compounds, that remains with them beyond their “Magic Mushroom” origins


Nuance of experience is a topic that is often ignored in the relatively sanitised information space surrounding “Novel Psychoactive Substances”, or NPS in the UK. This particular catch-all term is alluded to only as an example of the extreme lack of nuance, or the acknowledgement that it even matters that is indicative of the lunacy of — and inseparable from — the ever present, patent absurdity and self-evidently globally disastrous and ongoing moral crime that is the “War on Drugs”.

Trained soldiers surround plants, likely marijuana
Trained soldiers about to fight some plants.

“The Psychedelic State” is an almost equally vague descriptor but allowable simply because it does seem to refer to a real phenomenon — a cognitive “place” with a vast variation in it’s landscape.

The most unsubtle features of drug-induced psychedelia however are themselves difficult to sensibly talk about or understand, so it’s not surprising that for those without direct experience of “nuance” in this area, the subtleties are mostly not considered. These subtleties are relevant however…



Xavier Stachowiak
Xavier Stachowiak

Written by Xavier Stachowiak

Temporal diode in the reality continuum... and aspiring writer about topics I find interesting. Thanks for reading! :)

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